Saturday 22 October 2011

Is William Hague a Eurosceptic?

William Hague September 11
'In September 2011 Hague has said the euro is "a burning building with no exits" for some of the countries which adopted the currency. Hague first used the expression when he was Conservative leader in 1998 - and said in an interview with the Spectator he had been proved right."It was folly to create this system.'
(source Wikipedia)

William Hague 22nd October 11
William Hague has today urged Tory MPs not to vote for a referendum on the UK remaining in the EU, as it would be a distraction and that solving the eurozone finance crisis should be the priority. He also said a referendum would add to ecenomic uncertaintly when businesses need all the certaqinty they can get'.

So lets get this right. QE1 was meant to ease credit to business which in turn would stimulate growth. But the banks kept the QE1 money for themselves and didn't stimulate any growth leading to the current eurozone financial crisis. QE2 will no doubt go the same way, so how does Hague think that by staying in 'a burning building with no exits' can benefit the UK?

Of course, the UK can leave the EU and Hague knows there is a groundswell of opinion to do so yet he is absolutely against the idea. Maybe Mr Hague should have been quoted as saying 'the euro is a burning building with no exits open to the UK if I have anything to do with it'..

Hypocrisy on a grand scale.

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